Our Blog - L'Air de Lavande at Villasavary, France

Sometimes I hate all of the advertisements in my Facebook feed since about 90% of them are just total crap. But every once in awhile, something pops up that is interesting and the L'air de Lavande was one of them. It is a little lavender festival one weekend that is only an hour outside of Toulouse. I think this is the 2nd year that they have held this, and it is a family-owned lavender grower. The lavender fields were in bloom and you could walk through the fields. They also had picnic baskets available for lunch, various little workshops, a little chapel that you could take a peek at, and a horse-drawn wagon ride available. We spent an afternoon there with some friends and tried to take advantage of a few things. Unfortunately, the soap workshop that we wanted to do had been so popular that they had run out of the ingredients needed. So we'll have to wait until next time.

Here you can see the horses and wagon that would take people from the main estate where most of the activities were, up to the parking area at a small chapel, and then over to another field of lavender.

We have been to lavender fields before, including a very famous one in Provence at a monastery. These fields were quite different as they were quite "unkept", so you can see additional grasses (and weeds) growing in and around the plants. I suspect this is because the other fields are one of the top tourist attractions in the area and so are photographed so often that I assume they do a lot of manicuring.

And a couple pictures of a little tiny chapel that is on the property.