Our Blog - US Trip 2022We try to get back to the US every year to visit family and friends. However, with where everyone lives, we normally do not get to see everyone each year. Last year, we covered North Carolina, South Carolina, Missouri, and Kansas. This year, we did the Northern-route, with Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Missouri. We flew in and headed to visit some family in Massachusetts, and then back to Boston for a few days. We've been to Boston before, but not for many years. We tried to see a few things that we hadn't seen before. We also took a bit of time while in Boston to visit the JFK Library. We went to our first presidential library, the LBJ Library, a few years ago and it was interesting. So since we were in Boston anyway, we found a few hours. We continued with the presidential library theme with a visit to the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. We had a nice visit with my mom and my brother before we headed back East. Our last stop was a few days in New York City before leaving. We saw a few sights as well as spending a day visiting some family in NYC and New Jersey. |