Our Blog - Mini TouTou Walk, April 2023I should start with what a "toutou" is. It is a kiddy word for dog, like "doggy". Our group kinda uses this word for the small dogs in the group. Most of these pictures were taken by the others on the walk and then shared with everyone. I won't "just" show Lucy ... but I will try to include her puppy-friends also. This time, we had a pretty large group ... 8 dogs including 2 Shelties, 2 Pomeranians, a border collie, a beagle, a corgi (Lucy), and an American Shepherd. When we do this walk, there is a picnic table that we stop at and attempt to get all the dogs together ... some pictures end up being better than others :-) It is a real chore trying to get all of them to stay up there and look at the camera.
One of her favorite friends is Redson, one of the shelties. He likes to play including a game of tug-a-war, that he lost when he got distracted.
The Pomeranian is Maiko, who is another one of Lucy's buddy. We tend to schedule our agility courses with him, since it helps to have the dogs at the same height or we have to go around and move the jump bars up and down between each dog. There is also a new Pomeranian, Tessy (the little tiny one in the 2nd picture) who had been in our walks and has now started doing agility with us.
And of course, the Lucy pictures!
This is a good picture of the group with the dogs all running around together.
An interesting story here ... we found this dog (with color and everything) by himself out in the woods. We got him and kept him with us while one of the ladies called the phone number on the collar. We explained that we had found the dog all alone and they were sending someone to pick him up.
Just a short video showing Lucy running in the tall grass.
And some of the better pictures (in my opinion) ...