Our Blog - London 2025 Day 1

This picture is just weird to me ... you can see the flat, white cloud bank, and then these two billows of something (clouds?) coming out of it. No idea ... but the first time I've seen anything like that.

We weren't initially planning on seeing the Back to the Future musical for a couple reasons. First, we don't like to book a play for the day we arrive, in case our flights get delayed. Second, while we really like the movie, we weren't quite sure how they would do with making that into a decent musical. But we arrived with quite a bit of time and so we headed over to the TKTS booth (like in NYC, this is where you can buy discount same-day tickets) to see what was available for the matinee showing. This musical got quite good reviews so we thought we would try it.

The interior of the theater was done up quite nicely .... although it reminded me more of Tron than Back to the Future :-)

No pictures or videos during the show, but they did a bit of singing/dancing "after" the show and so there were lots of us doing videos. Sorry for the people's heads. They actor who played Marty was the understudy but he did a great job .... his voice when he was talking sounded really close to Michael J Fox!

I decided not to do pictures of any of the meals other than the special one on the last night ... but we did take a picture of our drinks ... Tom with his Guinness and Susan with a cider.